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Common Questions:

Where are you located?

Due to the current pandemic, my studio space has been suspended. I only teach via video conference software.

When do lessons start?

At the beginning of any month! But the studio year starts the first week of October.

Do you travel to students' homes?

After three years of doing so, I've decided to discontinue this service. Mobile teaching offers limits on teaching quality. Time slots become very limited since my own travel must be taken into account for multiple students' residences. Some resources such as games are hard to transport.

What kind of instrument should be at home?

Regular access to a tuned piano or keyboard with at least 67 weighted keys is needed. Certain exceptions can be made for students 5 years of age and under.

A digital Clavinova, weighted keyboard or an upright acoustic piano can be an affordable start for the beginner!

Do you do recitals?

Yes, once a year, usually on a Sunday mid-June. It's a Piano Party! Full participation isn't required, but the group workshop before the sharing session is. Group lessons with students' repertoire throughout the year are offered only when there is interest.

How much should a student practice?

As outlined in the studio policies it depends on the student and their goals. Obviously, some sort of progression needs to be heard and new material needs to be learned. Along with supplemental worksheets, practicing is so invaluable. A few times a week in longer sessions, to everyday practice in short sessions, can benefit a student's progress. Efficiency is more important than amount of time. Details and tips on how to practice will be discussed.

What are Recess Lessons?

They're your "get out of lessons, free!" card. You get 3 during the year, flexible days off. No posted materials for you to catch up on, but progress from the previous lesson is expected.

What's included in the registration fee for the year?

Almost everything that a student needs! A tote bag for keeping your materials, the year's worth of customized worksheets and activities on SeeSaw, along with guaranteed teacher preparation time, Notebook, Binder, and online access to extra resources, games and links. These will be shipped to you! This also covers catch-up material, video conferencing costs and more.

Why should I learn piano?

Well, there's the question that I'm still finding more answers for in my own musical life. In the end, what one gathers from their experience is up to them, but there are several reasons to play music. You can develop better: memory, dexterity, logic skills, focus, patience, communication in a group setting, mathematical thinking. You might also discover: history told in another way, that music is a language, how to analyze information, your creativity. To find out more reading on this topic visit

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If you have any other questions feel free to contact me

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